Weather is great here, sun, a bit of wind so that your hands dont sweat so much while climbing,and routes are going down one after the other:)
On friday I visited Čreta, a very nice crag above Vransko. The main objective was to climb Big bang theory (8b). So I warmed up on some easyer nice stuff and then went thru the moves and as I was working the crux which consists of a very long move to the right I wasnt feeling very cool about it,my hands were completely streched when I was holding those two holds. I was sitting there a bit and saw that a different beta could possibly go. I brushed some holds that previouesly werent even used,did the moves and on my secong go,finished the climb. Instead of doing that long move,I grabed one sloopy pinch thing,a good heel hook,crimp,another crimp and a little jump over the edge on a good crimp did the job for me:)
Another route that I really wanted to do was Kvantna fizika in Ter. It was the last route that I havent climbed in Ter beside all the projects(I said to myselve that first I will do all already established,climbed routes and then onwards to the projects) and yesterday was I guess the day that was just right. It was kindda the same thing as previouesly mentioned Big bang...I went thru the moves,and did it on my second go. Grading this thing was hard :P I first thought that it was a soft 8b+ but later I decided that a hard 8b suites it better.
Now,only projects are left for me in Ter,and I cant wait to start trying them:)
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