So, the weather is a bit weird over here and we have rain and sun and rain and sun...and it kindda represents my way of thinking about making this blog, yes or no yes or no. You can guess which argument won :P
The idea is to bring my adventures from the world of climbing and life and share them with you in the most interesting way. In a short way I was already doing that on Facebook but thats not IT, I needed something where I could write and post photos and in that way bring you the FULL experience not just a molecule of it. So a blog it is!
Some interesting stuff just happened in the last few days and why not to start with that:)
Climbing area called Ter was the main focus in the last days...why? cuz its phenomenal! My friend Andro was telling me about it in the previous years and I was always like "yea i bet its nice and all,we will go there next time" and this kept repeting for a whole year until finaly we decided to go there. When we arrived, at first i needed to collect myselve together because the wall is just waaaaaaa:) its much potential,such cool routes and so many possibilities. Yesterday was my 3rd visit of the crag and till now i never went home empty handed. On Friday I made the first ascent of a route that Rajko boltet just next to the road(yeah its awesome you dont even have to walk to go climbing :P)in my first visit, he was kind enough and said that I can try it, and that was it, I knew I wanna climb this! I brushed the holds,did the moves,made some links and said OK next time I will give it a go. Friday came and there I was again,like a dog,once you give them some food,they will keep coming back for more:) One try was to brush and remember the moves,one try was for the show, and in third try I said here we go!
You start on a vertical wall that latter turns into a slab and in the start you have 9moves on really small holds and nice technical movement which only incresses in the upper section of the route. Once you do the lower part, you can relax in the slab and when the right mindset and focus kicks in,you start with very precise climbing on very bad footholds,the last section is a bit more vertical and it could be around 7c on its own. Here the game becomes interesting,especially on the nerves:P Sidepulls and friction dependent footholds...craaazy. You can be completely fresh, but if your foot slipps, you have no chance of holding on...and the most sketchy part is just bellow the anchor,so if you blew it...i guess it could be really depressing,luckily I managed to stay on the wall,probably because of the great rubber that Five ten shoes have,clipped the anchor and the FA was made. The routes name is Bitch( I didnt gave it that name,but I think it suits it). The proposed grade is 8b+, we will see what others will say.
In that day I also flashed a route called Flosfest 8a+. A great end of the day indeed:)
I think ill finish here and now,for now:P stay tuned for more...
Best regards! im out:D
A good and informative read :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you:)