Another week has come to an end and a lot of climbing was done,some successful and some not,but it was fun either way:)
On Monday Timči and me went to Čreta and we accommodated in the sector of Pjes mater. We warmed up and started trying Ledena doba 2(ice age) which is 8b+ and Storžoc graded 8a+.
Storžoc has a boulderi crux with a long shoulder move and then a technical slab to the top. First part of Ledena doba is 8a and I flashed it a couple of weeks ago,so the upper part was the obvious choice to make. After I send Storžoc on my second go,I had a good try in Ledena and did the upper part in two parts,but then it started raining and we had to leave.
But our adventure would soon continue as we were going to Italian Baratro on Wednesday!:)
So in the early morning (not good :P ) I meet up with Šerbi and Zorko in Celje and Timči and his dad picked us up on a bus station.
We arrived to Baratro after some wrong turns but allright...we are here and thats all that matthers :)
I was there for the first time and the crag is really amazing!

Flashing Violenza carnale 8a
Upper part of Violenza carnale.
I managed to do a good send on it and did it on my second go! Surprised and happy!!:DAnd also tryed the uper part and flashed it in two parts...have to come back and do it!
Resting after the first hard part.
Timči needed a couple of tryes more but he also did it,a murte,it was really inspireing to watch!
Timči doing it:)
Šerbi also had a good day and she did two 8a routes and some easyer stuff.
On Violenza carnale.
After I did I was kindda tired but Ive made my mind up that I will try to onsight Apache kid 8a+ and the crux is in the start and for me it was really easy but then I got pumped and I fell and was kindda dissapointed because I knew that if i was fresh I would have done it without problems...lesson learned:)
Start of Apache kid.
On Friday i got a package and I am always excited when sends me new stuff!
Wearing prAna i feel most comfortable:) thanks
For the end I would like to thank Martin Zorko for all Baratro photos! I apreciate it man:D